FBG Site Development
First Baptist Georgetown hired AO SERVICES to complete a renovation of the parking lot and surrounding green areas to create a better traffic flow and prepare a Phase II project for the installation a pavilion and play area. A main goal of the project was to maintain native foliage and as many trees as possible. AO SERVICES’ handled the oversight and installation of all site improvements including:
Erosion Controls
Demo, Excavation, and Embankment (streets and detention pond)
Additional parking lot, entrance, curbs and gutters, striping and signage
Concrete overflow weir
AO SERVICES also handled traffic control, silt fencing, subgrade prep, flex base, fine grading, sidewalks, decel lane, rock rip rap, asphalt paving/HMAC, and tree protection.
Landscaping, pavilion, play area and signage to follow in Phase II of this project.
View a snippet of the curb pour in action on this IG Reel.